Business Loans

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Business Loans

Business loans are taken to start, run, or expand a commercial venture. The capital amount, interest rate, and other salient features will vary with each circumstance, so each borrower needs to understand their goals, internal capabilities, and the external environment (all of which would modulate financial performance, cash flow, and the capacity to repay) before approaching a finance provider. The success of each loan application is primarily contingent on the communication and negotiation that takes place between the two parties.

However, not all prospective borrowers are capable of negotiating. Moreover, some may not even be aware of the documents required to borrow nor possess the capability to collate the same and put them together in a presentable way. They may lack the information and visibility to manoeuvre the discussion towards the best deal (i.e. accessing the optimum loan size, tenure, interest rate, and other features).

VCCL offers financial credit to match your commercial needs with suitable loans that enables sustainability and growth for your business in a competitive market. We would, for a success fee, engage with clients, understand their company profiles and business activities, prepare the necessary document, and arrange/structure the expected funding with the banks at the best rates.

The company will facilitate:

  • Small loans ranging from £10K–25K
  • Medium loans ranging from £50K–250K
  • Large loans ranging from £250K–£1Mn

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