Financial Brokering

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Financial Brokering

In the present economic climate, finance providers are more cautious as to whom they lend to, considering a variety of factors at the outset of each arrangement. This includes collateral that can be pledged, a Know Your Client (KYC) evaluation, and, for long-term borrowings, a repayment plan that proves the achievement of various covenants such as earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) targets, cash flow targets, and other targets.

On top of this, clients may have to expend time and resources to ‘shop’ for the best deal in the marketplace that suits their individual circumstances and needs. VCCL provides bespoke brokerage services that help businesses build on their financial investments, minimize their credit crunch, and thrive in the market.

We help clients structure and arrange the best facility at an expedited pace for a fee. Moreover, for those who are unable to obtain such facilities from banks, we will broker deals with non bank finance providers.

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